
Helping businesses grow through innovative thinking and a collaborative approach


Accounting & Taxation

Businesses face countless accounting issues in this rapidly changing regulatory environment. These might be quite complicated and can disrupt a company’s

Audit & Assurance

Auditing is not just about numbers, it’s much more than that. Auditors play a constructive role in the society by delivering added value to clients and the required…

Business & Management Consulting

Sudan is making effort to grow its economy, and need business and management consulting services by both public and private sector both for internal growth and to attract foreign investment.

Human Resource Services

HLB Sudan provides Human resource solutions to clients across various sectors. We help businesses manage employees in Sudan

Internal Audit & Risk Management

Internal audit ensures the better management of an enterprise by improving its governance, risk management, and management controls.

Technology Consultancy

There is a new technology coming up every other day; some of them are here to stay and shape the future, while others slowly die. With new technologies comes new challenges…

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